DEI Unit Leads

The OVPR Unit DEI Leads help advance the OVPR DEI mission by serving as an umbrella entity for unit representation in the design and implementation of OVPR’s DEI strategic plan and facilitating collaboration across all OVPR units. Together they form a committee that works closely with the Assistant Vice President for Research – DEI Initiatives and the DEI Program Manager to promote DEI knowledge, skills, and best practices. The committee also facilitates idea exchange across our teams to help integrate innovative and effective practices created and enacted within individual units into a broader guiding framework that all units can use to develop and adapt practices for their specific missions.

OVPR Unit Leads

Yugo Ashida – MI Hydrogen

MI Hydrogen

Yugo Ashida 

[email protected]

photo of Elyse Aurbach

Office of the Vice President for Research: Research Development & Impacts

Elyse Aurbach

[email protected]

Samantha Drotar – M-PACT

Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation (M-PACT)

Samantha Drotar

[email protected] 

Kimberly Gaedeke<br />
Managing Director, Opioid Research Institute

Opioid Research Institute

Kim Gaedeke

[email protected]


photo of Mariah Gavin

Office of the Vice President for Research: Research Cores

Mariah Gavin

[email protected]

photo of Astrid Haakonstad

Animal Care & Use Program

Astrid E Haakonstad

[email protected] 

Photo of Savannah Hall

The Institute for Research on Women and Gender

Savannah Hall

[email protected]

Myra Kim - CSCAR

Consulting for Statistics, Computing and Analytics Research

Myra Kim

[email protected]

M block Research logo

Human Research Protections Program

Lana Mashni

[email protected]

photo of Sarah McNitt

Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering

Sarah McNitt

[email protected]

Photo of Li Morrow

OVPR – Institutional Review Boards

Li G Morrow

[email protected]

Photo of Do-Hee Morsman

Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society

Do-Hee Morsman

[email protected]

photo of Kathleen O’Sullivan-Cook

Integrity and Compliance

Kathleen O’Sullivan-Cook

[email protected]

M block Research logo

Innovation Partnerships

Kate Remus

[email protected]

photo of Rachael Richmond

Office of the Vice President for Research: Administration

Rachael Richmond

[email protected]

M block Research logo

Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation (M-PACT)

Teri Rosales

[email protected]

photo of Jessica Roche

Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention

Jessica Suzanne Roche

[email protected]

photo of Eric Shaw

Office of the Vice President for Research: Research Communications

Eric Shaw

[email protected]

Photo of Rose Tahash

Office of Research and Sponsored Projects

Rose Tahash

[email protected]

Photo of Tim Todd

Office of the Vice President for Research: Business Operations

Tim Todd

[email protected]

photo of Colleen Medicine

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Colleen Utter

[email protected]

 OVPR Catalyzing Opportunity and Empowering Perspectives Co-Leads

photo of Trachette Jackson

Associate Vice President for Research

Trachette Jackson

[email protected]

photo of Sabrina Ervin

Assistant Director for Plan and Portfolio Management

Sabrina Ervin

[email protected]