Research Recognition Awards

The university has developed a series of awards to recognize members of its research community whose work helps advance knowledge, solve challenging problems, create new products and enhance quality of life.

Research Staff Awards

text: 2024 Research Staff Awards<br />
photos of the awardees, from left to right, top to bottom: Jasmina Camo-Biogradlija, Stacey A. Jacoby, Molly Kleinman, Beth LaPensee, Glenn S. Carter, Kyle S. Kwaiser, Songzhi Liu, Beth Jakubowski, Steven E. Whitesall, Kali Yilmaz, Ruth Elaine Halsey, Caitlin Conway, Megan Kellepourey, Karen Houghtaling, Thomas Paluchniak
ResearchFaculty Awards

The U-M Office of the Vice President for Research has established three awards to recognize excellence among research faculty: the Collegiate Research Professorship Award, the Research Faculty Achievement Award and the Research Faculty Recognition Award.

text: University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research Research Faculty Awards from left to right, photos of Alauddin Ahmed, Hugo Carreno-Luengo, Hsing-Fang Hsieh, Jason Goldstick, Kathryn Luker, John Nees
2024 Faculty Awardees

The Office of the Vice President for Research will honor six research faculty members from across the University of Michigan for their significant contributions and leadership in fields ranging from firearm injury prevention and multi-scale computation to Earth remote sensing and molecular imaging.

Alauddin Ahmed, Hugo Carreno-Luengo and Hsing-Fang Hsieh will receive the Research Faculty Recognition Award, while Jason Goldstick, Kathryn Luker and John Nees will receive the Research Faculty Achievement Award. All six will be recognized at the President’s Faculty Awards event this fall.