Research Resources

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Center for Entrepreneurship – Midwest iCorps Node

The I-Corps program is designed to prepare scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and to accelerate the transfer of cutting-edge, NSF-funded research into commercial success.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Information on U-M’s policy regarding drone flights and the process for obtaining permission to fly them, whether on or off U-M property, including the UM-Flint and UM-Dearborn campuses.

Michigan Minds Podcast

The U-M Public Engagement & Impact Team operates the Michigan Minds Podcast series, which brings to life the breadth and depth of faculty expertise across the university through informative analyses that provides unique perspectives on today’s top issues.

OVPR Research Development – Proposal Editing

The OVPR RD team will provide free editing services on final proposal drafts, including review of style, organization, logic, clarity, consistency and alignment with sponsor guidelines.

Freelance Editors

UMOR neither vets nor endorses the consultants and companies listed below. These are external vendors who have contacted us or been suggested by our professional networks. They are offered here as options for researchers who may need services beyond what is available in-house.

OVPR Research Development – Team Facilitation

The RD team can design and facilitate sessions tailored for your research teams, at any stage of idea development. Whether for long-term strategic planning for your team/unit, early-stage planning for a large-scale initiative, or a response to a specific funding opportunity, we will tailor sessions for your needs to surface the most innovative ideas, focus […]

OVPR Research Development – Workshops

Workshops topics include writing a competitive research grant proposal, navigating U-M’s research resources, finding funding, assessing sponsors, NIH’s Rigor & Reproducibility Standards, writing in plain language, and communicating the impact & value of science to broad audiences. We also offer on-demand workshops on Grantsmanship 101and more.