Research Data Stewardship News & Events

Research Data Stewardship News 

ATTENTION: NIH Issues Update on Genomic Data Sharing

Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Update, January 15, 2025

New policy outlines research data stewardship expectations

The University Record, June 28, 2023

Data Den service now supports storage of sensitive data

The University Record, May 11, 2023

New rule expands public access to federally funded research

The University Record, September 15, 2022

Data stewardship initiative supports research community

The University Record, June 15, 2022

Past Event Recordings

March Data Madness: Integrating Different Data Types with the Weatherization and Health Effects (WHE) Study - March 18, 2025

Event Recording

March Data Madness: Integrating Different Data Types with the Weatherization and Health Effects (WHE) Study

March 18, 12:00 – 1:00 pm

The Weatherization and Health Effects (WHE) Study examines how weatherization programs impact indoor temperature, sleep, health and energy use. The study aims to collect responses from 600 participants across major metro areas in Michigan (Detroit), Wisconsin (Milwaukee), and Tennessee (Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville).

This presentation highlights how U-M researchers Sam Karsky and Konstantinos Papaefthymiou integrate diverse data sources—including surveys, actigraphy, temperature monitors, and utility records—to address their research aims. They will discuss the challenges of data collection, participant retention and managing multiple data streams, as well as strategies for improving study protocol.

headshot of Sam Karsky, a man with a beard and glassesSam Karsky is a study coordinator with the Social Environment Health Department at the Institute for Social Research. He has extensive experience in community-based participatory research, with a particular focus on the built and social environment and its influence on health outcomes.

photo of  Konstantinos Papaefthymiou, a man wearing a white button up shirtKonstantinos Papaefthymiou is a data manager at the Institute for Social Research, splitting time between the Social Environment and Health and Landscapes of Population Health programs. He works primarily on collecting, organizing, cleaning, and documentation of survey and monitoring device data.

Community of Practice Event - October 24, 2024

Presentation Slides

Recording from the Research Data Stewardship Initiative (RDSI) Community of Practice event held on October 24, 2024: “The ABCs of CDEs: How Common Data Elements Support Interoperability in Research”. 

Have you heard of common data elements (CDEs), but aren’t sure what they are or how they’re used? The National Library of Medicine (NLM) defines CDEs as standardized questions, variables, or measures with specific sets of responses that are common across multiple studies. Although CDEs are currently most common in health sciences research, there is growing support for their application to the social sciences as well. Moreover, consistency of measurement is a key consideration for researchers in any discipline that are concerned with the I in FAIR data: interoperability. CDEs foster interoperability between studies by ensuring consistent measurement of key concepts across populations and settings. In this session, we’ll give an introduction to CDEs, with examples that illustrate what they are and how they foster comparability of findings. We’ll also hear from researchers who have been involved in establishing and promoting CDEs in new research studies.

The beginning of the event was not recorded, so this recording starts after Megan Chenoweth began providing an introduction to Common Data Elements (CDEs). Speakers:

  1. Megan Chenoweth: “Introduction to Common Data Elements (CDEs)”
  2. Dr. David Williams: “The HEAL Common Data Elements”
  3. Dr. James McNally: “So You Made a CDE: Now What?”
Community of Practice Event - March 19, 2024

Community of Practice Event: Codebooks, Data Dictionaries and Readmes, oh my! Describing data for reuse

Researchers increasingly need to share their data, often via a data repository. Good documentation is key to sharing and reusing research data, but what does “good” documentation look like? How do researchers know what information to capture so that someone else can reuse their data?

In this session, we’ll hear from researchers and a data curator about key considerations for describing data effectively. Panelists will discuss what types of information are important to include in documentation, tools used to describe data, and challenges faced while documenting for reuse. We will also see examples of data documentation from a variety of disciplines.


Jeffrey Heath, Professor of Linguistics & Middle East Studies
Dr. Jeffrey Heath (PhD University of Chicago 1976) is a fieldwork and historical linguist. He has worked on Australian languages (1970’s), Maghrebi Arabic (1980’s), and since 1989 on languages of interior West Africa, especially Mali and southwest Burkina Faso. He is the author of many fieldwork-based reference grammars, lexicons, and text collections transcribed from recordings. He also shoots and produces short documentary-style videos of Africans in traditional activities.

Meghan Jacobs, Data Curation Coordinator, ICPSR
Ms. Meghan Jacobs is a Data Curation Coordinator in the Curation Unit at ICPSR. She has 11 years of experience curating quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research data from a broad range of disciplines, including political science, public opinion polling, arts and culture, criminal justice, health care, education, demography, and historical demography.

Fraser King, Research Fellow, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Dr. Fraser King graduated with a PhD in machine learning and remote sensing of precipitation in 2022 from the University of Waterloo, specializing in Arctic snowfall and deep learning. Dr. King has 2 years work experience as an artificial intelligence research intern at Aquanty Inc., working on bias correcting climate model variables using random forests, neural networks and statistical regression models. He also has 5+ years of full stack web development experience working in online education, along with 5+ years experience working as an iOS mobile developer in the financial sector.

RDSI Seminar Series - April 7, 2023

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative (RDSI) Winter 2023 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

Harnessing non-traditional museums data for ecological and evolutionary research
Hernán López-Fernández, Ph.D.
Associate Chair for Collections, EEB Museums
Associate Professor
Associate Curator of Fishes

Data Deposit Services at ICPSR
Amy Pienta, Ph.D
Research Professor, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research

RDSI Seminar Series - March 3, 2023

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative (RDSI) Winter 2023 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

March 3, 12 pm, via Zoom

The Open Science Pipeline: Preregistration to Data Sharing
Pamela Davis-Kean, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research
Associate Director of the Michigan Institute for Data Science

If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone; If You Want to Go Far, Go Together: Examples from Engaging in Open Science
Patrick Schloss, Ph.D.
Frederick G Novy Collegiate Professor of Microbiome Research
Program Director of Microbiology and Immunology

RDSI Seminar Series - February 3, 2023

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative (RDSI) Winter 2023 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

 February 3, 12 – 1 pm

Data Sharing from the Data Reuser’s Point of View

Elizabeth Yakel, Ph.D.

Interim Dean, School of Information

C. Olivia Frost Collegiate Professor of Information

Data Stewardship in Multi-Center Clinical Trials: Examples from U-M SABER

Cathie Spino, Sc.D.

Research Professor of Biostatistics

Director of Statistical Analysis of Biomedical and Educational Research (SABER)

RDSI Seminar Series - December 2, 2022

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative Fall 2022 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

Friday, December 2,  12 – 1 pm

The Materials Commons: Establishing a Repository/Collaboration Platform for Highly Heterogenous Data on the Frontier of an Emerging Data Community
John Allison, Ph.D.
William F Hosford Collegiate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Director, UM Center for PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS)

Increasing the Demographic Diversity of Research Databanks
Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBioethics
Associate Director, Center for Bioethics & Social Sciences in Medicine; Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology

RDSI Seminar Series - November 4, 2022

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative Fall 2022 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

Friday, November 4,  12 – 1 pm

The Research Data Ecosystem: Supporting Reproducibility and Transparency over the Research Data Lifecycle
Margaret Levenstein, Ph.D.
Director, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR); Professor, School of Information; Research Professor, Institute for Social Research

Understanding the Value and Impact of Ethnographic Data Reuse in Community Context
Ricardo L. Punzalan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information, School of Information

RDSI Seminar Series - October 7, 2022

RDSI Seminar Series: October 7

The Research Data Stewardship Initiative Fall 2022 seminar series provides an opportunity for members of the research community to hear from faculty experts across a range of disciplines at U-M on research data sharing practices, the value of data stewardship, and best practices for how to structure research programs or scholarship with these issues in mind.

How Open Science Opportunities Increase the Public Value of Research
Arthur Lupia, Ph.D.
Gerald R Ford Distinguished University Professor of Political Science; Research Professor, Institute for Social Research

Variation in Ability to Share and Access Genetic and Biomedical Research Data
Laura Scott, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Navigate Webinar - November 1, 2022


Navigate Webinar: November 1

New NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy

In this webinar, Sara Samuel, Informationist, Taubman Health Sciences Library, and Diane Wilson, Assistant Director at the Office of Regulatory Affairs, present an overview of the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, which goes into effect on January 25, 2023. U-M resources for writing a data management and sharing plan are shared, along with some Frequently Asked Questions.

Research Data Stewardship Initiative Informational Webinar - September 21, 2022

Research Data Stewardship Initiative Informational Webinar

Held via zoom, Wednesday, September 21st from 1 pm – 1:45 pm

Following an introduction from Vice President for Research Rebecca Cunningham, a moderated panel of RDSI working group members will discuss the initiative and provide background and context regarding the changing research data landscape and the value of data sharing. The panel will also provide resources related to research data management and sharing for the U-M research community.

Panel Members:

Nick Wigginton, Assistant Vice President for Research – Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice President for Research

Jake Carlson, Director of Deep Blue Repository and Research Data Services

Craig Reynolds, Assistant Vice President for Research – Sponsored Projects

Sara Samuel, Informationist, Taubman Health Sciences Library

Diane Lehman Wilson, Regulatory Manager, Medical School Regulatory Affairs


The RDSI Community of Practice is an open MCommunity group available to all U-M staff and faculty with questions on their work as it relates to research data management.