FY22 Research By the Numbers

The University of Michigan reported $1.71 billion in research volume during Fiscal Year 2022, an 8.4% increase compared to Fiscal Year 2021.

Research Volume by Sponsor

The university reported a record $973 million in federally sponsored research expenditures across the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses during FY22. And institutional investment of U-M research during FY22 totaled $553 million, which supported research-related infrastructure projects, sparked multidisciplinary initiatives and aided in faculty retention efforts.

Learn more about the internal and external sponsors of U-M research during FY22.

Research Volume by U-M Unit

The Medical School reported $735 million in research expenditures during FY22, an 11 percent increase when compared to FY21. The College of Engineering reported $282 million in research expenditures during Fy22, while the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts reported $211 million in annual research volume.

Learn more about the research volume generated by U-M schools, colleges and units during FY22.

Research Volume Over Time

The university reported increases in research expenditures sponsored by the federal government and nonfederal partners during FY22, contributing to an 8.4 percent increase in total research volume when compared to the previous fiscal year.

Research Awards and Submissions

U-M received 1,954 research awards during FY22, with a total value of $1.45 billion. The university also reported 5,534 research submissions during FY22, with a total value of $5.49 billion.

  Number of Awards Value of Awards
FY 2022 1954 $1,452,661,816
FY 2021 1945 $1,131,056,877
Difference 12 320,554,939
% Change .46% 28.34%


  Number of Submissions Value of Submissions
FY 2022 5534  $5,487,171,356
FY 2021 6198  $5,797,896,549
Difference -664 -310,725,193
% Change -10.71% -5.36%