Terminal Degree Fellowship Opportunities

Explore terminal degree fellowship opportunities designed to advance the careers of individuals with a doctorate or equivalent education. Discover a range of prestigious fellowships from the American Anthropological Association to the Smithsonian Institution, aimed at empowering recent PhD graduates and experienced professionals alike. Our comprehensive list will guide you to programs that enrich your specialization, enhance your research, and extend your influence in academia, policy development, and beyond. This platform is the starting point for utilizing your advanced qualifications to engage with leading-edge opportunities and forge a path of impactful scholarship and practice.

Postdoctoral/Terminal Degree Required





American Anthropological Association AAA Leadership Fellows Program PhD completed within at least 3 years and no more than 5 years ago. MA/MSC candidates should have completed their MA/MSC within at least 3 and no more than 5 years ago.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Science & Technology Policy Fellowship Scientists in the biological, physical, health/medical, or social sciences are required to have a terminal scientific degree (e.g. PhD, ScD, DVM, MD, etc.) in order to apply. If you have a master’s degree in any field of engineering and a minimum of three years of professional engineering experience (not including further academic studies), you may apply.
American Association of University Women Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants Applicants must hold a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., M.F.A., J.D., M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.S.W., or M.P.H. at the time of application. The grants are for tenure-track, part-time, and temporary faculty, as well as new and established researchers at universities. Tenured professors are not eligibility.
American Association of University Women Postdoctoral Research Leave Applicants must hold a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., M.F.A., J.D., M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.S.W., or M.P.H. at the time of application. The grants are for tenure-track, part-time, and temporary faculty, as well as new and established researchers at universities. Tenured professors are not eligibile.
American Astronomical Society John Bahcall Public Policy Fellowship The Bahcall Fellowship is currently a one-year postdoctoral level appointment, renewable for a second year.
American Geosciences Institute William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship A PhD at the time of appointment or a master’s degree in engineering plus three years of professional engineering experience is required.
American Institute of Physics AIP Congressional Science Fellowship Program PhD in physics or a field closely related to the physical sciences (degree must be complete before the start of the fellowship term).
American Institute of Physics AIP State Department Fellowship Program PhD in a technical field of AIP’s Member Societies.
American Mathematical Society AMS-AAAS Congressional Fellowship Eligible applicants are individuals in the mathematical sciences with a PhD or an equivalent doctoral-level degree in the mathematical sciences.
American Meteorological Society AMS Congressional Science Fellowship Applicants must have a PhD in the atmospheric or related sciences.
American Physical Society Congressional Science Fellowships PhD in physics or a closely related field
American Pscyhological Association APA Congressional Fellowship Program Have a doctorate in psychology (from an APA accredited doctoral program and internship, if in the area of professional psychology) or related field by the application deadline.
American Pscyhological Association Jacquelin Goldman Congressional Fellowship Have a doctorate in psychology (from an APA accredited doctoral program and internship, if in the area of professional psychology) or related field by the application deadline.
American Pscyhological Association APA Executive Branch Science Fellowship Program Have a doctorate in psychology (from an APA-accredited doctoral program) or related field.
American Phytopatholical Society APS Public Policy Fellowship In possession of PhD with all requirements completed.
American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowships Political Science fellows have completed a PhD in the last 15 years or will have defended a dissertation in political science by November of the fellowship year.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ASBMB Congressional Science Fellowship Applicant must have a recently awarded doctorate (i.e applicant is not beyond postdoctoral stage and must have received doctorate degree within five years of application)
American Society for Engineering Education Naval Research Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Applicants must have a PhD
American Society for Microbiology ASM Congressional Science Fellowship(link is external) Applicants must have completed their PhD by the time the fellowship begins.
American Society of Agronomy Congressional Science Fellowship Applicants are required to have a PhD
American Society of Human Genetics Genetics & Public Policy Fellowship Candidates must have an advanced degree in human genetics or a related field and prior experience in education.
American Society of International Law International Law Fellowship Law degree completed (LLM or JD) by the start of fellowship.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Congressional Fellowship Graduate or professional degree completed prior to the fellowship start date.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Urban Health Policy Fellowship Graduate or professional degree completed prior to the fellowship start date.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Foreign Policy Fellowship Graduate or professional degree completed prior to the fellowship start date.
Department of Energy DOE Graduate Science Fellowship Applicants are NOT eligible to apply if one, or any combination, of the following describes their graduate education status: Applicant has not obtained the Ph.D. candidacy with an established thesis project at the time of application; Applicant is in a Master’s degree program, with a Master’s as the terminal degree; Applicant is in a Master’s degree program with no thesis research requirement and program is not a pathway to Ph.D. degree; Applicant is seeking to pursue a second Ph.D. degree.
Dumbarton Oaks Dumbarton Oaks Junior Fellowship Fellowships are for scholars who hold a doctorate or appropriate final degree or have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.
Dumbarton Oaks Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship Fellowships are for scholars who hold a doctorate or appropriate final degree or have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.
Dumbarton Oaks Mellon Urban Landscape Fellowship Fellowships are for scholars who hold a doctorate or appropriate final degree or have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.
Folger-Shakespeare Library Folger Fellowships Applicants for both long- and short-term fellowships should have the PhD in hand at the time of application. Librarians and other researchers holding appropriate terminal degrees are also eligible to apply.
Georgetown Law Center Street Law Graduate Teaching Fellowships Juris Doctorate degree required
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enginers-USA IEE-USA Congressional Fellowship Prior to beginning the fellowship, applicants must possess a PhD, or a Masters Degree plus five years of relevant professional experience.
Library of Congress Kluge Fellowship Scholars who have received a terminal advanced degree within the past seven years in the humanities, social sciences or in a professional field such as architecture or law are eligible. Exceptions may be made for individuals without continuous academic careers.
Library of Congress Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies Ph.D. or other advanced terminal degree strongly preferred.
Library of Congress Larson Health and Spirituality Fellow Applicants must possess a doctoral degree. For the purposes of the Larson Fellowship, doctoral degrees include the Ph.D., M.D., Sc.D., Dr.P.H., D.S.W., P.Psy., D.S.T., Th.D., and J.D.
Library of Congress Lomax Fellowship in Folklife Studies A Ph.D. degree or equivalent terminal degree is preferred.
National Academy of Medicine FDA Tobacco Regulatory Science Fellowship Exceptional professionals with a minimum of 5 years of experience are encouraged to apply.
National Endowment for Democracy Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows There are two tracks for the fellowship. There are no specific degree requirements for the practitioner track. Applicants interested in the scholarly track are expected to possess a doctorate (a Ph.D., or academic equivalent) at the time of application.
Office of Personnel Management Presidential Management Fellows If you have completed an advanced degree  from a qualifying college or university during the previous two years from the opening date of the PMF Program’s annual application announcement, you are eligible to apply.
Optical Society of America Arthur H. Guenther Congressional Fellowship Prospective Fellows must have a PhD or equivalent doctoral level degree by program orientation.
Optical Society of America OSA / MRS Congressional Fellowship Prospective Fellows must have a PhD or equivalent doctoral level degree by program orientation.
Population Association of America PAA Fellowship Applicant must hold a doctoral level degree and be a member of PAA.
Research!America Science Policy Fellowship Applicants must hold a PhD or other terminal degree.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellows Midcareer professionals from academic faculties and government are encouraged to apply.
Smithsonian Institution George Burch Fellowship in Theoretic Medicine and Affiliated Theoretic Science The fellowship is eligible for post-doctoral scholars, whose research interests lie within medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, and fields in the social science and humanities, as it applies to health and medicine.
Smithsonian Institution James Smithsonian Fellowship Candidates must not be more than five years beyond receipt of their doctorate degree. Candidates with terminal professional degrees are eligible to apply.
Smithsonian Institution Conservation of Museum Collections This fellowship program is for recent graduates of masters programs in art and archaeological conservation or the equivalent or conservation scientists, including those at the postdoctoral level.
Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship Candidates with a demonstrated record of artistic accomplishment are eligibile to apply. Undergraduate students and MFA candidates are not eligible.
The National Academies/State Department Jefferson Science Fellowship Must be a scientist, technologist, engineer, or physician holding a tenured or similarly ranked academic appointment at a U.S. college or university
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars George F. Keenan Fellows The Kennan Institute seeks fellowship applicants from diverse, policy-oriented sectors such as media, business, local government, law, civil society, and academia.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Billington Fellowship The Kennan Institute seeks applications from scholars who have received their Ph.D. within the past 10 years.