Research Resources

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Animal Ordering & Acquisition

Information on the services available to the U-M animal care and use community that ensure animals are ordered through the appropriate channels, ensuring research gets off to the right start. Please note that all animal orders must be placed through U-M’s eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system.

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

Guidance on the use of non-classified federal data, CUI, that the U.S. Government creates or possesses, or that a non-federal entity (such as U-M) receives, possesses, or creates for, or on behalf of, the U.S Government. The development or use of this data requires additional information security controls to access, store, or disseminate.

Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Provides oversight of the ethical issues related to the derivation and research use of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) at the university.

Research Integrity

Outlines ethical expectations and responsibilities of academic and research communities and identifies the general principles for investigating research misconduct allegations.

Controlled Substances in Research

Get help to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations pertaining to controlled substances in the research setting at U-M, including controlled substances that are associated with animal research, administered to human subjects as part of a research protocol, and used for in vitro or analytical research.

Institutional Biosafety Committee

Responsible for assessing the biosafety containment level for research involving recombinant DNA and synthetic nucleic acid molecules. Also oversees research with other potentially hazardous biologics.

Environment, Health & Safety

Promotes health, safety and environmental compliance within the U-M campus community, and provides leadership at all levels of the university to maintain a healthy workplace and to protect the environment.

Research Safety

The Department of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS), working closely with the Laboratory and Research Safety Committee (LRSC), develops innovative and responsive programs to enhance university safety.

Individual COI in Research

Review the policies and procedures to disclose outside activities and learn what to (and not to) disclose. Learn how U-M evaluates COI and COC risk and manages conflicts of interest or commitment in Research.  

Backup & Storage

Options for protecting and preserving data at the University of Michigan.