Research Resources

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Proposal Approval Form (PAF)

The PAF is a summary of information in the U-M eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system about a sponsored project. The PAF is used for internal review and approval and data management. It contains proposal information that must be routed via eRPM and signed by university officials.

Route & Submit

Information on how to create a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) within your unit and via the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system.


A collection of online collaboration tools and software from U-M’s ITS to help empower both in-office and remote teams to coordinate on projects easily and efficiently.

Postdoctoral Fellows – Rackham

Supports graduate students in their professional and academic development during their student experience and as they transition to their career.

Rackham Graduate School

Rackham offers a variety of resources, including student and postdoctoral fellows to work on your team.