PEERRS: Research Administration Course Details

The PEERRS Research Administration course provides an overview of the sponsored projects lifecycle from proposal to close-out, outlines the key administrative responsibilities of the principal investigator (PI), and references the key adminstrative resources to assist investigators with pre- and post-award management at U-M.

Course Requirements

Who should take this course?

The PEERRS Research Administration course is required for U-M faculty, students, or staff who are listed as one of following UM Investigator roles on a U-M PAF (Proposal Approval Form):

  • UM Principal Investigator (PI)
  • UM Sponsor Investigator (typically a research fellow or student acting as the PI for a project)
  • Participating Investigator with Specified Effort
  • Participating Investigator without Specified Effort
  • Other Non-faculty Investigator

The PEERRS Research Administration course is part of a two-course series of responsible conduct of research education for U-M investigators.  

U-M research Administrators (RAs) are not required to take this course.   RAs should look at the Navigate training and workshop options from the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) for detailed instruction.

Course Duration & Certification Requirements

Expect to spend approximately one hour completing this course.  To receive certification in this course you must review all of the course pages and complete the assessment at the end of the course with a passing score of 80%.

Do I need to renew certification in this course?

Certification in the Research Administration course is required every three years if you are working on a sponsored project/have active sponsored funding.  Certification is renewable by re-taking the course.

The My LINC system may send up to two emails, one 30 days prior to the certification expiration and one on the expiration date,  to remind you of the potential need to renew your certification.  These are automated notifications of course expiration only – you, as the investigator, need to evaluate whether or not you will need to retake the course, depending on the status of your U-M research projects.

Course Registration

To register for, and then open, the course in My LINC:

Research Administration

ADA Version Available Upon Request

The PEERRS Research Administration course contains visual / interactive elements that may be difficult to use with a screen reader.  If you need an alternative option due to visual impairment or other ADA-compliance reasons, email [email protected].

Course Outline

The topics covered in the PEERRS Research Administration course are:

  • Roles and responsibilites of a PI;
  • U-M administrative support for the PI / project team
    • Role of the unit Research Administrator
    • Role of ORSP 
    • Role of Sponsored Programs;
  • The project lifecycle
    • Types of sponsored funding
    • Award procedures
    • Close-out procedures; and 
  • Key U-M contacts for the PI / project team.


Who verifies PEERRS certifications & when?
Who at U-M When Where
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) Prior to processing new awards and incremental funding (existing awards) eResearch Proposal Approval Form (PAF), Award (AWD), and Award Modification (AWD-MOD)
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) Prior to approving human subjects studies eResearch IRB application (HUM) or IRB amendment (AME)
Export Controls Office (ECO) Prior to approving research activity using controlled technology or data eResearch Technology Control Plan (TCP) or TCP amendment
Research Security Information Oversight (RISO) When processing new sponsored awards that reference controlled unclassified information (CUI) regulations eResearch Proposal Approval Form (PAF), Award (AWD), and Award Modification (AWD-MOD)


Other U-M offices may check PEERRS certification status as part of audit or misconduct investigations, including: University Audits, the Office of Research Compliance Review (ORCR), and the OVPR Research Integrity program.  School/colleges may check student and trainee certification status if utilizing PEERRS courses as a part of their unit-based Responsible Conduct of Research curriculum. 

References and Resources

Register for a PEERRS Course My LINC document providing step-by-step instructions to register for and launch a PEERRS eLearning course.


For technical assistance using My LINC to register for a course, locate and open a course, or navigate through the PEERRS Human Subjects Research Protections course, contact the ITS Service Center at 734-764-4357.

For questions regarding course content or training requirements, contact your U-M IRB Office.

For questions regarding the PEERRS program or PEERRS access, contact the U-M PEERRS group at [email protected].