FY20 Research By the Numbers

Photo: Robert Coelius/Michigan Engineering
The University of Michigan reported $1.62 billion in research volume during Fiscal Year 2020, which led to important advancements in areas ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to driverless vehicle technology, social justice and carbon neutrality. U-M was able to maintain the same total research volume as FY19 during a fiscal year in which the novel coronavirus prompted the university to temporarily ramp down noncritical laboratory research.
- The federal government remains the largest sponsor of U-M research and scholarship, and during FY20, the university generated $887 million in research under contract with federal agencies. Institutional investment of U-M research during FY20 totaled $548 million, and the university also reported $113 million in annual industry sponsored research. Learn more about the internal and external sponsors of U-M research and scholarship during FY20.
- With $1.62 billion in FY20 research volume, units across all three U-M campuses utilized internal and external support to advance research and scholarship. The Medical School generated $678 million in research expenditures during FY20, while the College of Engineering reported $266 million and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts generated $201 million in annual research volume. Learn more about the research volume generated by U-M units during FY20.
- U-M was able to maintain the same total research volume as FY19 during a fiscal year in which the novel coronavirus prompted the university to temporarily ramp down noncritical laboratory research. Through the fiirst nine months of FY20, total research expenditures were up 5 percent when compared to FY19, but COVID-19 caused research expenditures to dip. Learn more about U-M research volume over time.
- U-M received 1,918 research awards during FY20, with a total value of $1.22 billion. The university also reported 6,213 research submissions during FY20, with a total value of $5.96 billion. Learn more about U-M research awards and submissions.