Eligibility Requirements:
- A terminal degree in a relevant area (e.g. PH.D., M.D., D.PH.) conferred by July 1, 2025.
- Has a strong research background in an area of the biomedical and health sciences.
- A demonstrated track-record of promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within their field of study through their own research, teaching/mentoring, and/or service activities as well as a commitment to continue to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the future through these and/or other activities.
- Have never had a tenure-track faculty appointment in an institution of higher education and are eligible for Early-Stage Investigator (ESI) status. (see list of smaller grants & awards that maintain ESI status).
- Is currently and will continue to be eligible for NIH funding throughout their time in the program.
- All applications are required to have an ORCID iD. If you do not already have an ORCID iD, you may register for one on the ORCID website.
Application PDF Upload Requirements
- Cover Letter & Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Include a 1-2 page cover letter with your current CV.
- Research Statement:
- Research/scholarship proposal that outlines your scholarly work and includes your research plan for the program period. The statement should be no more than 3 pages (singled-space).
- Service Statement
- Discuss your involvement and contributions to your University at the department, college, and/or University levels, in your profession (national, disciplinary service) and any involvement in community service that is related to your disciplinary expertise. The statement should be no more than 3 pages (singled-space).
- Diversity Statement
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement that describes your record of past activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion through scholarship/research, and/or teaching/mentoring, and/or service/engagement as well as your planned commitment to activities that you will participate in the future related to promoting DEI in the field into the future. The statement should be no more than 3 pages (singled-space).
- Teaching Statement
- Teaching statement that describes your teaching philosophy, which may incorporate experience from formal or informal teaching and mentoring. The statement should be no more than 3 pages (singled-spac
- Reprint or pre-prints of articles or manuscripts
- Please upload a max of 5 articles or papers that best exemplify your research interests, acumen, and/or proposed areas of study. Examples include published or unpublished research papers, journal articles, dissertation chapters.
- Letters of recommendation
- You may submit up to four (4) letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak thoughtfully about your qualities and qualifications as a candidate for a tenure-track position at the University of Michigan. However, YOU MUST HAVE 3 LETTERS SUBMITTED BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION WILL RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION. You will be asked to provide email addresses for letter writers and they will be contacted and provided up to 2 weeks to submit the letters.
Applicants are also asked to complete a brief demographic questionnaire after submitting the application. This demographic information will be used to help evaluate the effectiveness of the M-PACT program. The information provided in the questionnaire WILL NOT be used, in any way, as part of the selection criteria for the M-PACT scholars. The information obtained from the demographic questionnaire WILL be separated from the application materials submitted and WILL NOT be shared with the selection committees for the M-PACT scholars.
Questions pertaining to the application process or eligibility, please contact [email protected]
Writing the Application Statements
Along with their scholarship, applicants for M-PACT will be evaluated on their contributions and commitment to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education, as demonstrated through teaching/mentoring and/or research/scholarship and/or service/engagement.
In writing the research statement, diversity statement, and teaching statement, applicants are encouraged to address some or all of the points listed below.
Research/Scholarship Statement
This statement should outline your scholarly achievements, including a discussion of the impact and contribution of your work to your discipline. The research/scholarship statement should also detail your future plans in research/scholarship.
Additionally, if applicable to your research/scholarship, you may choose to address the following:
- How the research/scholarship has the potential to serve the needs of groups that have been historically underserved by academic research.
- How the research/scholarship interests focus on underserved populations and understanding issues of social inequalities. For example:
- research/scholarship that addresses issues such as race, gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- research/scholarship that addresses topics such as health disparities, educational access, and achievement, political engagement, economic justice, social mobility, civil and human rights, and similar topics;
- artistic expression and cultural production that reflects culturally diverse communities or voices not well represented in the arts and humanities.
- How the research/scholarship brings to bear the critical perspectives that come from the scholarly understanding of the experiences of groups historically underrepresented in higher education or underserved by academic research generally.
- How the research/scholarship contributes to understanding the barriers facing members of groups who have been historically underrepresented in specific fields in higher education. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- studying patterns of participation and advancement of women, racial minorities, and other groups in academic fields where they are underrepresented;
- evaluating research programs, curricula, and teaching strategies designed to enhance participation of students from groups underserved by higher education.
Service Statement
This service statement should describe your involvement and contributions at various levels within your University (departmental, college, and university), within your profession (national and disciplinary service), and in community service related to your academic expertise.
Examples of areas you may choose to address include:
- Institutional Involvement: Departmental or institutional committees, task force groups, formal or informal workgroups, advising student organizations.
- Professional Service: Local or national service related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, such as within professional societies and organizations. This may include participation in editorial boards, and organizing conferences and symposia.
- Advocacy and Advancement: Service initiatives aimed at advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice for historically underrepresented or marginalized groups at various levels (campus, local community, state, or national).
- Community Engagement: Other community engagement or outreach activities relevant to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, including volunteer activities, technical assistance, consulting, or advising. This could include writing practice or policy reports or other public scholarship related efforts.
- Leadership Roles: Formal or informal leadership roles or significant experience performing public service that addresses the needs of our increasingly diverse society.
Within this statement, you may plan to share why you decided to engage in the ways you have, and what you believe you have contributed to your University, profession and/or community, as well as future areas that you plan to engage as you advance in your career. You may also describe how these areas of service are connected to your DEI commitments.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
This statement should document your personal achievements in, and commitment to, advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion goals within academia and beyond. This can include sustained engagement, service, or leadership to increase access, retention, and success of underrepresented populations in higher education.
Some areas of interest to the program are:
- Potential to contribute to higher education through the scholarly understanding of barriers facing women, domestic racial/ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, and other members of groups underrepresented in higher education, as may be evidenced by life experiences and educational background. Examples include but are not limited to:
- ability to articulate the barriers facing specific groups in fields where they are underrepresented;
- knowledge and experience gained through attendance (undergraduate or graduate) at a minority serving institution;
- knowledge and experience gained through participation in higher education pipeline programs such as Summer Research Opportunity Programs or McNair Scholars;
- significant academic achievement in the face of barriers such as economic, social, or educational disadvantage.
- commitment to allyhood through learning about structural inequities demonstrated by, for example, extensive reading or focused coursework, or participation in professional development programs or institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
- A record of academic service to advance equitable access to higher education for groups in fields where they are underrepresented (e.g., women, racial/ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, student veterans).
- Demonstrated engagement with historically underserved populations, and bringing this experience to the scholarship, teaching, and learning mission of the university. This commitment may reflected by leadership or active participation in:
- departmental or institutional committees, task force groups, or other workgroups;
- local or national service related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, such as through professional societies and organizations;
- scholarship, practice, or policy efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion or social justice for historically underrepresented or marginalized groups (at campus, local community, state, or national levels);
- other community engagement or outreach activities relevant to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and access, such as volunteer activities, consulting, or advising.
- A record of leadership or significant experience performing public service addressing the needs of our increasingly diverse society.
Teaching Statement
This statement should describe your philosophy of teaching, and may include experience in formal course instruction or design as well as informal teaching or mentoring experiences.
Particular consideration will be given to the following:
- A record of leadership or significant experience teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students from broadly diverse demographic and social backgrounds, including students from groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education. Strong statements will demonstrate this engagement beyond individual students.
- Capacity to pedagogically address and respond to the learning needs of students from broadly diverse backgrounds. For example:
- Development or use of curricula designed to enhance participation of students from broadly diverse backgrounds, including groups underserved by higher education;
- Engagement in training or professional development activities designed to enhance intercultural or intergroup competencies and skills.
- Ability to integrate contemporary issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion into the classroom.
- Ability to create an inclusive learning environment, addressing one or more of the following issues:
- How your own and your students’ identities (e.g., race, gender, class), background, experience, and levels of privilege affect classroom dynamics;
- How diverse perspectives can be integrated into teaching methods and approaches.
Other DEI Relevant Post-doctoral Fellow and Faculty Opportunities:
Application FAQ’s
The following addresses some of the more commonly asked questions about the M-PACT Program. If you have a question about the program that is not adequately answered by the FAQs, please email your inquiry to [email protected].
Do I have to be a member of an underrepresented group to apply for this fellowship?
No. The program is open to all persons who meet the eligibility criteria, without regard to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other identity characteristics.
What academic disciplines are allowable for applicants?
Academic departments and units eligible for the M-PACT Program are listed on the main program page under “eligibility.” Each year different departments and units have openings. Be sure to check on an annual basis to see which units are hiring.
If I have applied for another fellowship or faculty position at the University of Michigan, can I still apply?
The University of Michigan has numerous postdoctoral fellowship programs and open faculty positions. If you have applied to another program or position, you may still apply to the M-PACT Program, but you must disclose this on the application.
Can I still be considered if I do not have US citizenship or permanent residency?
Yes, provided that you can demonstrate eligibility to work in the United States. In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire.
I'm an assistant professor. Can I still apply?
M-PACT is a program for individuals who do not currently have and have never had a tenure track faculty appointment. Candidates who currently have or have in the past had a tenure-track appointment are NOT eligible for the program.
I received my PhD over five years ago. Am I still eligible to apply for this fellowship?
Yes, as long as you have never held a tenure-track faculty position at a University.
I will finish my doctorate after July 1 of next year. Am I still eligible to apply this fall?
Applicants must complete their doctoral or terminal degree by July 1, 2025.
What academic programs are participating in MPACT and hiring this year?
See the full list of academic programs and application due dates on our participating units page.
Should my materials be single-spaced or double-spaced?
Most applications are single-spaced (or between 1.0 and 1.5) with breaks between paragraphs; we need enough information about you to make a decision, but also need to be able to read your submission easily. Please ensure that your formatting makes it easy for reviewers to read.
Are there sample applications available for review?
No, though we do provide guidance on writing research, diversity, and teaching statements that include your demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We strongly encourage you to read our guidelines on these statements. There are many variations on successful applications. Applicants are encouraged to consult with their academic advisors or mentors about how to submit a competitive application.
Should I send my graduate transcripts along with my online application?
No. The program does not require transcripts to be sent with the application. However, the program will request official graduate transcripts if you are selected as a finalist and will not offer you a fellowship unless official graduate transcripts are received and deemed satisfactory.
Should I submit separate applications for each program I wish to apply for?
There is no need to submit separate applications to M-PACT if you wish to apply to multiple units. There will be an option for you to select up to 3 units of interest within the application.
Can I submit separate materials for each unit I am applying for?
You are only permitted to upload one single document per application requirement (ie, cover letter or research statement). So if you wish to tailor your materials to individual units, one way to do that would be to submit one single document with all of your materials in a single pdf for that particular requirement. We suggest adding a cover page listing the respective unit’s documents so it is clear that you are including multiple statements and who they are being directed at. You should still adhere to any page requirements for the specific documents you are tailoring to each unit.
Contact the Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation team
For application and eligibility questions email: [email protected]
For general questions: [email protected] or call 734-647-5925.