Limited Submissions

Limited Submissions are funding opportunities in which the sponsor only allows a specific and limited number of proposals from a given institution. Extra submissions can result in rejection of all submitted by that institution.

Our Process


The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) curates, announces and facilitates limited submission funding opportunities for the University of Michigan research community. The OVPR team features a list of select calls for intent to submit and limited submissions internal competitions in its bimonthly Research Blueprint newsletter. For a comprehensive list of currently open limited opportunities, please visit the OVPR Limited Submissions InfoReady portal.

Whenever possible, OVPR first publishes a call for intent to submit to gauge faculty interest in a particular funding opportunity. If there is more interest than the number of submissions allowed by the sponsor (e.g., four faculty have expressed interest in applying to an opportunity where the sponsor only allows one proposal from U-M), OVPR will announce an internal competition. OVPR will again advertise any funding opportunities that require an internal competition, with a goal to provide as much time as possible for the internal selection process and preparation of proposals by the selected applicant(s).


1) OVPR staff identify and advertise hundreds of limited funding opportunities each year. However, faculty or staff occasionally identify limited funding opportunities that are not included in our listing. If you find a funding opportunity of interest and believe it is limited, but do not see it here or in our archived emails, you still must follow our process by letting us know which funding opportunity you have identified. This process is critical: extra submissions can result in the sponsor’s rejection of all proposals from the University of Michigan.

2) ORSP requires proof of OVPR approval to submit to any limited submission as part of any proposal approval form (PAF).

3) If the sponsor deadline has not expired but the internal deadlines have passed, you may be able to still apply to the sponsor. Contact OVPR. The team typically defaults to a first-come, first-served basis for approving submissions to a sponsor if U-M has not exceeded the institutional limit on the number of proposals.

4) For rapid turnaround solicitations announced by the sponsor (<4 weeks) or for other unique RFPs that OVPR did not initially identify and advertise, we may initially approve any interested applicants to move forward with caution (i.e. a “yellow light” approval). In rare cases if an excess of applicants come forward and time permits, we may still hold a rapid internal competition. If there is not enough time to hold a competition within this window and/or no other applicants express interest, OVPR will give the applicant a “green light” to plan to move forward with submission.

5) Deadlines for internal competitions or calls for intent to submit are set based on a number of competing factors (e.g., time provided by sponsors, time needed to arrange internal reviews). Therefore, as a general rule OVPR does not provide extensions to applicants.

6) For limited funding opportunities that require an internal competition, OVPR coordinates a confidential internal review of proposals. Reviewers are limited to U-M faculty on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses. Final selections are made by the Vice President for Research or a delegated authority based on input from peer review and/or standing committees.

7) In a limited number of cases, when 1) applicants all come from the same school, college, or unit, or 2) the sponsor RFP is so narrowly specialized as to limit applicants from a single school, college, or unit, OVPR may work with local unit leadership to manage the selection process.

8) Whether applying to an internal competition or responding to a call for intent to submit, the submitting PI will be asked to attest that everyone listed on the application is aware of and approves the submission materials.

9) OVPR strives to share timely reviewer comments on all proposals, regardless of their selection status, following the peer review process.


When you see a funding opportunity that captures your interest:

1) Navigate to the specific funding opportunity on the Limited Submissions InfoReady portal.

2) Choose Apply.

3) Follow the prompts to provide your contact information. You will need to log in using your U-M username and password.

4) If submitted correctly, you will receive a confirmation.

5) Contact [email protected] with any questions.

NOTE: U-M has a site license for InfoReady Review to manage limited submissions and other internal grants programs. For questions about the use of this tool in your own unit, please email [email protected].



Proposal development

Depending on the funding opportunity, OVPR, Foundation Relations, Innovation Partnerships, or other U-M units may provide additional resources for proposal development to faculty who have been selected to submit to the sponsor.

Medical School competitions

The U-M Medical School (UMMS) manages a limited number of competitions for medical-focused funding opportunities. These are posted to the UMMS Competition Space portal. NOTE: Faculty from other units may still be eligible to apply to these funding opportunities.

Dearborn and Flint Campuses

Institutional limits for limited submission opportunities apply to the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses separately. Researchers therefore will only compete with others from their own campus during internal competitions. OVPR will continue to support all three campuses by curating, promoting, and administering limited submission opportunities through the RAPid newsletter and the Limited Submissions InfoReady portal, and will work with representatives from each campus to manage internal competitions when necessary. Any questions can be sent to [email protected].

In upcoming communications/calls for intent, OVPR will continue to highlight the fact that the institutional limit applies to each campus individually. OVPR will also make all efforts to identify any opportunities that are specific to an individual campus.

Prior submissions

It is important to note any prior submissions to specific funding opportunities, and feedback from the sponsor — especially in cases where a sponsor encourages resubmission. We will strive to follow up on the status of proposals submitted in previous cycles before making a final decision.

Login Issues

When applying, you will be prompted to login. If you are affiliated with U-M, you need to use your uniqname and Kerberos password. Please do not use a account.

Upon logging in for the first time, the following screen may appear. This is standard when U-M uses third-party services, and OVPR must adhere to university policies on those related sites. Just choose “Ask me again if information changes” and Confirm.


If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].