Funding for Research

The Office of Research Development (ORD) manages research funding opportunities, including institutionally limited “limited submissions” and OVPR’s internal grant programs. The ORD team offers consultations on external funding and strategic application advice.

Limited submissions are external funding opportunities in which a funder requests a limited number (usually 1 or 2) applications from the University. If there is broad interest in an opportunity (i.e., more than the limit), ORD will coordinate an internal competition, and peer reviewers will select a nominee(s) to advance. Investigators must have institutional approval to submit to a limited opportunity. 

Research Commons: Funding opportunities are offered internally from dozens of U-M units to U-M researchers each year. Research Commons promotes all open internal opportunities. Bookmark the site and check back regularly–there are always new opportunities.

OVPR’s Research Catalyst & Innovation (RCI) Program: Administered by ORD, the RCI funding program provides research funding to support projects and units across diverse disciplines. 

Keep apprised of internal funding opportunities by subscribing to the Research Blueprint.

ORD and colleagues around campuses can consult on external funding and strategies for pursuing these opportunities.

  • PIVOT: U-M researchers can access the searchable PIVOT database via the U-M Library. PIVOT contains thousands of funding opportunities from governmental, foundations and international sponsors.  
  • U-M Foundation Relations offers guidance on pursuing funding from a range of foundation sources, or contact Laura Williams ([email protected]), Director of Research Foundations Partnerships, OVPR.
  • Search grant funding available from all 26 federal agencies.
  • More resources on finding funding are available at

Want to talk about Funding?

Contact Us

Contact the entire team: [email protected]

Jill Jividen, Executive Director of Research Development, [email protected]

Stephen Alvey, Graphics Specialist: [email protected]

Neil Carver, Program Manager, Bold Challenges, [email protected]

Tricia Ebright, OVPR Grants and Awards Manager, [email protected]

Kelsey Ebbs, Assistant Director of Bold Challenges, [email protected]

Adrianna Trusiak, Assistant Director for Proposal Management, [email protected]

Lin Li, Bold Challenges Research Development Officer, [email protected]

Kelly Manthei, Bold Challenges Research Development Officer, [email protected]