Arts Research: Incubation & Acceleration (ARIA)
The Arts Research: Incubation & Acceleration Program
The Arts Research: Incubation & Acceleration (ARIA) program, a joint effort conceived and funded through a collaboration between the University of Michigan Arts Initiative and the Office of the Vice President of Research, seeks to elevate and expand arts research and creative practice across the University of Michigan’s campuses and schools. The program will support projects centered in the arts that ask creative questions and move toward new ideas and knowledges; invite new forms of collaboration and interaction both within and beyond the arts; and that imagine new approaches to problems and ideas in the arts and society. Applications are particularly encouraged from interdisciplinary research teams structured to provide mutual benefit to those in the arts and in other research sectors, and from individuals working in creative practice to imagine new horizons of artistic possibility.
Learn More and Apply:
ARIA applications are due October 16, 5 pm.
Successful applications will:
- Demonstrate the project’s significance to national and/or international developments and conversations in arts research, creative practice, and beyond;
- Describe how findings (in artistic form and otherwise) will be brought to new and/or broad audiences; and
- Demonstrate, in applications from research teams, how all collaborators will bring their expertise to the research agenda.
All applications will be evaluated on:
- Clarity, imagination, and quality of the proposed project;
- Potential of outcomes and impact(s);
- Quality and range of previous work samples; and
- Feasibility of budget and timeline.
Approximately 12–20 grants will be awarded in academic year 2024-2025. Faculty applying for individual projects are eligible for up to $25,000, and research teams are eligible for up to $50,000. Projects will be funded for periods of up to two years. Funding can support projects in pilot/incubation stages or those entering new stages of development and dissemination.
The primary investigator (PI) and CoPI(s) for all projects must be U-M faculty with a research appointment (tenured, tenure track, research, or clinical professors), though research teams can include collaborators from across and beyond U-M. All PI-eligible faculty from the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses are eligible to apply. Interdisciplinary research teams are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications will be accepted in two cycles:
- Start date: March 1, 2025
- Latest end date: February 28, 2027
- Start date: June 1, 2025
- Latest end date: May 30, 2027
Upon notification of successful application, PIs will be provided with detailed information about final reporting requirements for both Arts Initiative and OVPR.
Application Directions
Applicants must complete/upload information in four areas:
- Statement of Plans and Related Questions
- List of Recent Work (NOT a CV)
- Work Samples
- Feasibility Plan, including budget, budget justification, and timeline of work.
There are an additional three items that applicants should complete as appropriate:
- Acknowledgment of Application for Course Release Form
- Contextualizing Collaborators
- Letters of Commitment
Important InfoReady Review Application & Troubleshooting Tips
- You may click Save (as draft) at the bottom of the page at any time (and often) and return at a later date to complete your application.
- Save your work after each entry. The form does NOT auto-save.
- Complete all the *required fields. If a *required field is left blank, the system will not show a Submit button and your application will stay in draft.
- The form provides a “preview” option before you submit your application.
- When you are ready to submit, click Submit Application button in the upper right corner of your screen.
- You will receive a confirmation email if your application has been successfully submitted
- Clear your browser cache if you experience unexpected behavior while using the InfoReady Review site. InfoReady Review runs best on the latest supported versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. It does not run optimally on Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. The site should be accessed via a desktop or laptop computer. It is not compatible with mobile devices or tablets. Both Windows and Mac operating systems are compatible.
How do I access InfoReady Review to submit my application materials?
You must first log in by hovering over the Log In button in the top right hand corner of your screen. Log in using your uniqename and Kerberos password (click the blue University of Michigan Weblogin button). OR If you want someone else to submit the application on your behalf, you – as the applicant you will need to log in and assign a proxy.
- At this time, the system does not recognize log in credentials. Please use your log in credentials.
- Once you are logged in, click on your name in the upper right hand top of the page. Below your “User Profile,” you can “Designate a Proxy.” Please use the proxy’s account.
- To Apply: Click on Apply in the right hand menu.
Can I apply as a PI and also participate as Co-PI or key personnel on another submission?
A faculty member may apply as PI on one grant application and also participate as a collaborator on a second grant application.
Is it possible for a faculty person to be part of a team of people applying, but not be "the applicant", for more than one grant?
Am I eligible to apply for the Arts Research: Incubation & Acceleration (ARIA) grant?
The primary investigator (PI) and CoPI(s) for all projects must be U-M faculty with a research appointment (tenured, tenure track, research, or clinical professors), though research teams can include collaborators from across and beyond U-M. All PI-eligible faculty from the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses are eligible to apply. Interdisciplinary research teams are especially encouraged to apply. For more information about primary investigator (PI) eligible see
PIs with active ARIA projects are not eligible to re-apply, and PIs with applications pending for other Arts Initiative granting programs (Arts in Curriculum, AIPS, etc.) are not eligible to apply to an ARIA deadline.
Who can I talk to if I want to receive more in depth guidance related to this grant?
Please contact [email protected] with questions.
My research in this area is done in collaboration with researchers at a separate university. Does this grant program allow for the effort of non-UM investigators?
Non U-M researchers cannot be the PI or Co-PI, but they may be collaborators on a research team or project.
Can the duration of my proposed grant stretch beyond the two year period?
No. Faculty can propose projects of any length up to 24 months.
Can a post-doc serve as PI or co-PI on the grant?
In general, post-doctoral fellows are not eligible to serve as primary investigators. The one exception is if a post-doctoral fellow also holds the title of “Assistant Professor” during their fellowship and has a guaranteed tenure-track position waiting at the University of Michigan upon the completion of their fellowship.
Can we add additional pages to the submission materials?
No. All applications should adhere to the stated guidelines regarding page length, image submission, and video length.
Is there a specific budget format or template we should use?
Yes, please use the budget template (found on the ARIA website) to think through categories of cost for your project and build out as much detail as you are able to do. We highly recommend that faculty work with their unit’s research administrators or finance team to finalize budget details.
Cost sharing is not required per the instructions, if include letters of commitment from partners what sort of commitment should be described in the letter? Are you seeking a financial or a physical commitment, i.e. lab space, personnel, etc.?
Letters of commitment should state the partners’ commitment to the project, including but not limited to the commitment they are making in terms of personnel, funding, time, space, etc.
Can we use the Arts Research: Incubation & Acceleration (ARIA) funds to cover faculty effort (non- PI or PI) on the grant?
Yes, faculty salary and/or course releases are eligible, but must be explained in the budget explanation. Approval of course releases must be provided via signed letter from Chair and/or Dean as appropriate. Please use this form for course release approval and upload to your application (if applicable). We highly recommend that faculty work with their unit’s research administrators or finance team to finalize budget details in advance of application submission.
Is tuition support an acceptable budget item?
Tuition support is not an eligible budget expense for this program.
In general, OVPR support is NOT available for:
- Travel to present at conferences
- Computer/hardware/software for routine use
- Office equipment, telephone installations, photocopy machines
- Equipment maintenance costs
- Tuition support
- Requests for small amounts more appropriately handled at the unit level
- Projects that are primarily instructional
- Funds covering reduced external awards
- Retroactive funding, costs overruns, or disallowance on other sponsored projects
- Faculty recruitment and start-up packages
- Page or reprint costs of articles in professional journals
- Funds may not be used for entertainment expenses, or for memberships in professional organizations.
Submitting multiple media samples
If your application is best served by submitting work samples in multiple media (images and sound, video and writing), you may submit in two modalities. You must, however, keep what you are requesting within the suggested time frames for reviewers. An example would be that if you need to submit both images and sound, instead of 20 images and 15 minutes of sound, you might submit 10 images and 7.5 minutes of sound.
Creativity Lab
The Creativity Lab (C-lab), a joint effort conceived and funded through a collaboration between the University of Michigan Arts Initiative and the Office of the Vice President of Research, is a research development program designed to stimulate new work in arts research/creative practice. The one-week summer laboratory program will also contribute to the building of arts research cohorts among a wide variety of faculty. Applications are particularly encouraged from faculty members working in creative practice and interdisciplinary faculty teams building arts-centered projects.
Approximately 12–15 faculty members will be selected as fellows for the 2025 C-lab, with at least six fellow positions reserved to support interdisciplinary teams. (Teams can be represented by up to three members, with the team submitting one application.) Upon successful completion of the five-day lab, each fellow, including each team member, will receive $1500 in discretionary funds toward advancing their research project towards future grant applications. (Successful completion requires participating in the Lab each day from May 13–17 from 9–5 p.m.)
Applicants for individual fellowships must be U-M faculty with a research appointment (tenured, tenure track, research, or clinical professors). Applications from teams must include at least two members with research appointments. Faculty from Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses are eligible to apply.
Successful applicants will:
- Describe a new project (or new phase of a project) that the applicant(s) would launch through participation in C-Lab
- Describe a practice, method or research question related to the project the applicant(s) would like to experiment with in a group setting
- Demonstrate interest in supporting others’ arts research and commit to full participation in the C-Lab during May 2025 sessions
All applications will be evaluated on:
- Imagination and creativity of proposed project in the project’s research question, methods or both
- How participation in the Lab in May 2025 will catalyze the project’s launch or new phase
- Where applicable, interdisciplinary range in applicant team
The next round of applications will open in Fall 2024.
For questions related to this call for proposals please contact [email protected].
For troubleshooting questions related to the InfoReady Review submission portal, please contact [email protected].