Our Mission: To provide a centralized support system that enhances the ability of U-M Research Cores to promote transformational research.

Research Core Definition: Shared facilities which offer research services, equipment, or expertise to U-M researchers at a recharge rate.


U-M Research Core Websites

    • Research Cores Office: A resource hub for Research Core faculty and staff to find tools, best practices, events and more.
    • Research Cores Search Engine: A search engine designed to help researchers find equipment, services and expertise available on campus.
    • MiCORES: A core facility management system that many U-M Research Cores use to schedule, bill, and track projects. If the core you are trying to work with uses MiCORES this is how you will connect with them.

Research Cores by the Numbers

News & events

Who We Are

Focus Areas


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U-M Research Cores by the Numbers

core facilities
hours of use

*Note: These numbers are an underrepresentation of the full impact of U-M Research Cores and only reflect data pulled from 2022 for the 50 Cores that use MiCores. 

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Who We Are

Evan Keller
Mariah Gavin

Dr. Evan Keller
Director of Research Cores Office
Professor of Urology & Pathology
Associate Director for Shared Resources for Rogel Cancer Center



Mariah Gavin

Project Manager, OVPR Research Cores Office

Located within the Office of the Vice President for Research, we are here to help build resources for U-M’s Research Cores. We work closely with cores, and researchers to determine pain-points, help improve efficiencies and build support systems that will add value to our current research enterprise. Check back regularly for new resources and events, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter to keep up with all things related to cores.

Focus Areas



Service Excellence

Fiscal Sustainability

Professional Development